In SharePoint 2010 the XsltListViewWebPart and the ContentByQueryWebPart web parts play a pivotal role for the presentation of list data. It turns out that both web parts share a lot of common functionality because they both inherit one and the same base XSL transformations using web part – the DataFormWebPart (the CQWP via the CmsDataFormWebPart and the XLV via the BaseXsltListWebPart classes respectively). One of these shared pieces of functionality is the so called “parameter bindings” available through the DataFormWebPart.ParameterBindings property. The idea of the “parameter bindings” is that using specific XML data that you assign to the ParameterBindings property you can fetch various properties or variables from the, page, web parts, etc. environments which can then become available as XSL parameters (“xsl:param” XSL items) in your custom XSL that you use in either the XsltListViewWebPart or the ContentByQueryWebPart web parts. With these additional custom XSL parameters you can apply different presentation logic and even make the presentation of the two web parts react dynamically to the changes of the variables coming from these external (from the web part’s perspective) environments/contexts. So, let’s jump directly to a sample “parameter bindings” XML:
<ParameterBinding Name="CustomBinding" DefaultValue="my custom value" />
<ParameterBinding Name="dvt_firstrow" Location="Postback" DefaultValue="1" />
<ParameterBinding Name="ResourceBinding" Location="Resource(wss,noitemsinview_doclibrary)" />
<ParameterBinding Name="Today" Location="CAMLVariable" />
<ParameterBinding Name="UserID" Location="CAMLVariable" />
<ParameterBinding Name="WPVariableBinding" Location="WPVariable(_WPID_ | _WPQ_ | _WPR_ | _WPSRR_ | _LogonUser_ | _WebLocaleId_)" />
<ParameterBinding Name="QuerySringBinding" Location="QueryString(myqueryparam)" DefaultValue="empty" />
<ParameterBinding Name="FormBinding" Location="Form(myhidden)" DefaultValue="empty" />
<ParameterBinding Name="ServerVariableBinding" Location="ServerVariable(REMOTE_ADDR)" />
<ParameterBinding Name="WPPropertyBinding" Location="WPProperty(Title)" />
<ParameterBinding Name="ControlBinding1" Location="Control(myDDL)" />
<ParameterBinding Name="ControlBinding2" Location="Control(myDDL,SelectedIndex)" />
<ParameterBinding Name="CombinedBinding" Location="Form(myhidden);QueryString(myqueryparam)" DefaultValue="empty" />
Yes, this was a somewhat extensive sample, but it actually covers most of the options that are available for the “parameter bindings” and I will give more details for each option shortly. As you see the XML’s format is pretty simple – it contains a root “ParameterBindings” element with “ParameterBinding” child elements. The “ParameterBinding” element may have three attributes: Name, Location and DefaultValue. The “Name” attribute is mandatory and it specifies the name of the XSL parameter that will be initialized by this “parameter binding”. In most cases you are free to specify any suitable and meaningful for your scenario name for the parameter binding, but for certain values of the “Location” attribute you can use only a predefined set of possible names (see below). The “Location” attribute contains the logic for specifying the context from which you will fetch a certain variable/value that will become available as an XSL parameter – you can choose from several predefined options here. The “DefaultValue” attribute is self explanatory – when the value retrieved from the specified context is not available (is an empty string), the XSL parameter will be initialized with the value of the “DefaultValue” attribute.
So, after you know the XML format of the ParameterBinding property, the next logical step would be to assign this XML to a real CQWP or XLV web part that you have somewhere in your SharePoint farm. The standard SharePoint UI doesn’t allow to edit this property, so you will have to choose from several other alternatives: SharePoint Designer 2010 (pretty handy actually and requires no custom coding), custom code in a feature receiver or a tool, PowerShell script or a specialized tool (a good place to advertise my “web part manager” utility).
In order that you can actually use the custom parameters in your XSL you will also need to define “xsl:param” elements with corresponding names in the main (root) XSL file of your CQWP or XLV web part (your custom ContentQueryMain.xsl for the CQWP or the Main.xsl for the XLV web part). If the “xsl:param” is defined in the main XSL file it will be available (visible) in all included XSL files as well. Basically you can define the “xsl:param” elements for your “parameter bindings” in one of the included XSL files (e.g. the ItemStyle.xsl or the fldtypes.xsl) – then the parameter will be available only in this XSL file (there won’t be a problem if the parameter is defined in both the main and the included XSL file either). The definitions of the XSL parameters for the parameter bindings from the sample above can look something like:
<xsl:param name="CustomBinding" />
<xsl:param name="ResourceBinding" />
<xsl:param name="dvt_firstrow" select="1" />
<xsl:param name="Today" />
<xsl:param name="UserID" />
<xsl:param name="WPVariableBinding" />
<xsl:param name="QuerySringBinding" />
<xsl:param name="FormBinding" />
<xsl:param name="ServerVariableBinding" />
<xsl:param name="WPPropertyBinding" select="'no name'" />
<xsl:param name="ControlBinding1" />
<xsl:param name="ControlBinding2" />
<xsl:param name="CombinedBinding" />
Note that by using the “select” attribute of the “xsl:param” attribute you can specify again a default value for the parameter if the initializing parameter binding has no “DefaultValue” attribute and returns an empty value. This default value will also be used if there is no parameter binding with that name specified in the XML of the ParameterBindings property.
And now let’s have a look at the available options that you have for the “Location” attribute of the “PropertyBinding” element:
- missing Location attribute – this is also possible – in this case you need to provide the “DefaultValue” attribute -basically you provide the web part with a fixed/constant parameter value. This can be very handy if you have for example several CQWP parts using several different but very similar item styles (the item styles can differ in some minor elements like the target of the links or the presence of some additional small elements per item). In this scenario you can use only one item style which can check one or several parameters provided by the parameter bindings and adjust its presentation accordingly (the different web parts will provide different values in their parameter bindings or not provide some of the parameter bindings at all). It is obviously far easier to maintain only one item style instead of several, so the parameter bindings can help a lot in this scenario.
- Location “Postback” – in this case you cannot choose arbitrary names, there is a predefined set of available names and they all have the “dvt_” prefix: dvt_sortdir, dvt_sortfield, dvt_filterfields, dvt_firstrow, dvt_nextpagedata, dvt_prevpagedata, dvt_partguid. From these only the last one is available in the CQWP (the rest will always have empty values in the CQWP). The “dvt_partguid” parameter will contain a value that seems like the “ClientID” of the web part (a sample value will look something like ctl00$ctl23$g_59a84b77_6a94_4c65_81cd_618b4c21c374) but actually you won’t find a matching HTML element with exactly this ID on the page. The other “dvt_” parameters contain specific XLV “postback” data related to the XLV’s sorting, filtering and paging. In fact these are already defined as “xsl:param” elements in the standard Main.xsl of the XLV web part and get initialized by the web part even without it being necessary to add them as parameter bindings. Depending on the current sorting, filtering and paging of your XLV you can see values like these in the “dvt_” parameters:
dvt_firstrow: 31
dvt_sortdir: descending
dvt_sortfield: LinkTitle
dvt_filterfields: ;LinkTitle;
dvt_nextpagedata: Paged=TRUE&p_Title=item%2045&p_ID=45
dvt_prevpagedata: Paged=TRUE&PagedPrev=TRUE&p_Title=item%2071&p_ID=71 - Location Recource([Resource_File],[Resource_Name] – this one is very useful since it allows you to make values from resource files available in your XLV or CQWP web parts. The resource files are located under the App_GlobalResources subfolder of the physical directory of your web application and have the “resx” extension. If you have for example this value in the “Location” attribute - Resource(wss,noitemsinview_doclibrary) – it will fetch a localized string from the “wss.resx” resource file (actually it can be a resx file for a specific culture like wss.en-US.resx) with a name “noitemsinview_doclibrary”. If you check the wss.resx file you will see that the value of this resource string is “There are no items to show in this view of the "<ListProperty Select="Title" HTMLEncode="TRUE" />" document library” – you see a fancy “ListProperty” XML element inside the resource string, but in the XLV this will get replaced with the title of the actual list that the XLV web part displays. Apart from the “parameter bindings” localization support there are other alternatives for localization in both the XLV and CQWP web parts – check the paragraph titled “Localization” below.
- Location CAMLVariable – in this case you can use only two predefined values for the “Name” attribute of the parameter binding: Today and UserID. Sample values returned by these two parameters are:
Today: 2010-09-17T16:04:48Z
UserID: Stefan Stanev
Note that the UserID parameter actually returns the display name, not the account name of the current user. - Location WPVariable([Tokens]) – the value inside the brackets can contain one or a combination of several predefined tokens: _WPID_, _WPQ_, _WPR_, _WPSRR_, _LogonUser_, _WebLocaleId_. If you use a combination of these you can separate them with spaces or other arbitrary characters/strings. The names of these tokens are not that descriptive but you can get some idea of their meaning by these sample values that correspond to the “WPVariable” parameter binding from the sample at the top:
g_3242c920_b37c_4cfa_a356_955bb398d47f | WPQ2 | http://myserver/sites/2/_wpresources/Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing/ | /sites/2/_wpresources/Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing/ | myserver\stefanstanev | 1033 - Location QueryString([QueryParam]) – this allows you to get values from query parameters in the current URL in your custom XSL – it actually maps to the HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString collection. So if you have this query parameter in the URL of the current page: default.aspx?myqueryparam=somevalue – the value “somevalue” will become available in the xsl:param corresponding to the “QueryString” parameter binding which specifies the “myqueryparam” parameter name in its Location attribute.
- Location Form([FormParam]) – this maps to the HttpContext.Current.Request.Form collection. If you have this input element on your page:
<input type="hidden" id="myhidden" name="myhidden" value="myhiddenvalue"/>
this parameter binding
<ParameterBinding Name="FormBinding" Location="Form(myhidden)" DefaultValue="empty" />
will provide the “myhiddenvalue” in the <xsl:param name="FormBinding" /> parameter (only on page postbacks, otherwise the parameter value will be the specified in the “DefaultValue” attribute: “empty”) - Location ServerVariable([ServerVariable]) – this maps to the HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables collection. If you have for example Location=”ServerVariable(REMOTE_ADDR)” it will initialize the corresponding XSL parameter with something like: fe80::a589:57ce:e0ec:1f1c%13
- Location WPProperty([PropertyName]) – in the brackets you can specify the name of a public instance property of the XLV or CQWP classes – this can be the “Title” or “ID” or any other property of the web parts whose value you want to use in your XSL.
- Location Control([ControlID]) and Control([ControlID],[PropertyName]) – here you need to provide the ID of a server control on the page containing the web part and optionally the name of a public instance property of the control’s class. If you skip the property name option the parameter will be initialized with the value of the standard Control.Text property. So if you have this drop-down list control on your page:
<asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="myDDL" AutoPostBack="true">
<asp:ListItem>Item 1</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>Item 2</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>Item 3</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>Item 4</asp:ListItem>
which has its third option selected, the parameter binding with Location="Control(myDDL)" will initialize its parameter with the value of “Item 3” (the “Text” property of the DropDownList control will return the same value as its “SelectedValue” property) and the one with Location="Control(myDDL,SelectedIndex)" will initialize its parameter with the value of “2” (the third item in the zero based “SelectedIndex” property). As you see this type of parameter bindings allows you to make the presentation of your CQWP and XLV web parts interact with the server controls that you may have in the containing page. - Location that is a combination of several options – in this case the Location options should be separated by semi-colon (from the sample at the top - Location="Form(myhidden);QueryString(myqueryparam)"). The ordering here is important – the preceding Location options will be evaluated first – from the example – if you have both the “myhidden” from parameter and the “myqueryparam” query parameter available in the current page, the parameter binding will return the value of the “myhidden” from parameter, because the “Form” option is placed before the “QueryString” option. The idea of this combining is that if one or more of the preceding options yield no value, then the next option which returns a value will be taken by the parameter binding and passed to its corresponding parameter.
Localization can be quite a serious issue with the availability of so many multi-lingual sites around. Fortunately as you saw the “parameter bindings” support provides a way to use localized resources in the CQWP and XLV web parts. Besides the “parameter bindings” there is one other much easier alternative to get resource strings in the XLV web part:
<xsl:value-of select="/dsQueryResponse/Rows/@resource.wss.fld_yes" />
yes, it is as simple as that – you just specify with XPath an attribute of the “/dsQueryResponse/Rows” element of the source XML. And you don’t have to set additionally some web part properties or define extra XSL parameters. As you see the name of the attribute follows a specific convention – it consists of three parts separated by dots – the first one is the constant “resource” prefix, the second one specifies the name of the targeted resource file (wss.resx in this case) and the third part is the name of the resource in the resource file. In the “vwstyles.xsl” and “fldtypes.xsl” XSL files of the XLV web part there’re XSL variables like the “$Rows” and “$thisNode” which map to the “/dsQueryResponse/Rows” and “/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row” XML elements respectively. So, these alternative variants of the special “resource” attribute’s XPath are possible (from locations where you have these XSL variables available):
<xsl:value-of select="$thisNode/../@resource.wss.Thunmbnail"/>
<xsl:value-of select="$Rows/@resource.wss.ManualRefreshText"/>
And … the interesting thing – how do these resource strings come as attributes of the “/dsQueryResponse/Rows” element, after all you can have lots of resource files with hundreds of resource strings inside them. The answer is that the “resource” attributes are actually something like pseudo-attributes of the source XML. And actually there is no source XML at least in the form of a XML DOM container class like XmlDocument or XDocument. The trick is possible because the XLV uses a custom XPathNavigator (overriding the DataFormWebPart.GetXPathNavigator virtual method). This custom XPathNavigator queries directly the SPListItem data that the XLV web part retrieves from SharePoint and as an extra provides the “resource” pseudo-attribute support. The main reason to use a custom XPathNavigator is simple – performance (this way you skip the step of transforming the list item data to a DOM XML container like XmlDocument so that you can then use its default XPathNavigator, which additionally will not perform so well as the custom one).
And how about the CQWP – I kept mentioning just the XLV web part in the previous paragraph but not the CQWP. Unfortunately the “resource” pseudo-attribute “shortcut” is not available in the CQWP (the CQWP also uses a custom XPathNavigator but it is not the same as the one used by the XLV web part and doesn’t implement the “resource” attribute logic). Still, there is yet another alternative available for the CQWP web part – the idea is that the .NET XSL transformations implementation allows you to define a .NET class whose methods (rather static methods) can become available and be used from inside the XSL (check the XsltArgumentList.AddExtensionObject method in MSDN for more details). Such “extension” class can also be used in the CQWP web part but you will need to create a new class inheriting the CQWP class. The CQWP’s ModifyXsltArgumentList virtual method (which you will need to override) is the place where you can hook the custom extension object – check this nice article which describes in detail the whole procedure. And this article describes how this technique can be used to fetch resource strings into the web part’s XSL.
Embedded server controls
In my previous posting I demonstrated how you can embed server controls inside the XSL of the XLV web part. This functionality is provided by the base DataFormWebPart class, so it would be normal to expect that this will also work in the CQWP web part. But … it doesn’t (at least in most of the cases that I tried). It turns out that in the DataFormWebPart class there is a public virtual property named CanHaveServerControls, whose obvious purpose is to enable or disable the ability of the web part to parse and instantiate embedded server controls. This property is not overridden in the CQWP but its base implementation checks several other virtual properties which in the case of the CQWP return always (or in most cases) false. So the only possible work-around in this case (if you need embedded server controls in the CQWP that badly) is to simply subclass the CWQP. The inheriting class will just need to override the CanHaveServerControls property and will look something like:
public class MyCQWP : ContentByQueryWebPart
public override bool CanHaveServerControls
return true;
base.CanHaveServerControls = value;
Hi Stefan:
ReplyDeleteIs the
XsltListViewWebPart extendable? That is to say, can i inherit from it?
I would like to render custom field properties and the user credentials (im trying to implement column-level permisions in sp2010)
Thanks in advance!
Hi Yansel,
ReplyDeleteunfortunately you cannot subclass (inherit) the XLV web part - its class is defined as "sealed". I was thinking of the possibility to use custom XSL to achieve column level permissions - for that you will need the value of the SPList.EffectiveBasePermissions property available in the XSL. I checked the $XmlDefinition XSL parameter but though it contains most of the source SPList's properties it doesn't contain this one. If I have time I will check several other things and if I find something I will let you know.
Hi Stefan:
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the time (and so fast!). I implemented a custom Field type with a custom property (the MS bug on custom Field properties was a.p.i.t.a.) and it works for the Display, Edit and Delete Form (form pages) but of course the list view is handle by the XLV, and there is no way i can get it at the fldtypes_.xsl level becouse i can not get either the custom Field property (where it is stored the SPGroup that is suposed to view the field) neither the user´s role. Right now i´m trying with custom content types-list to see if i can hook some how into the view, but i must say there no much information, in fact i could only find such as deep topics in your blog. Thanks for giving back to the comunity!
Note that the targetted resource file in cannot contain any '.''s (dots). I looked this up in reflector and it searches for the next . it meets and determines the resource file name with that:
ReplyDelete@resource.AB.C -> finds resource key C in file AB
@resource.A.B.C -> Tries to find resource file A, and fails if it does not exist
@resource.C -> finds resource key C in wss.resx
Hi Stefan,
ReplyDeleteI am struggling to modify the DefaultValue of a parameter binding via powershell.
I have a collection of sites that each use a dataview web part that looks at a list. The list GUID has changed while migrating, and need to programatically update the defaultvalue for the web parts datasource.
I'm having trouble accessing the item. Can you provide any input?
Hi Nick,
ReplyDeleteCan you provide the sample powershell code (or bits of it) that you are trying to use. And also it wasn't clear to me what you meant with the last sentence about you having trouble accessing the item - which item is that.
Hi Stefan,
ReplyDeleteIs it possible to display rating control (SharePoint 2010) in CQWP.
Please let me know how I can do this?
Hi Prashant,
ReplyDeleteIf you have in mind the standard AverageRatingFieldControl control - I don't think that it will work properly in the CQWP. The reason for that is that it is an inheritor of the BaseFieldControl class and will work with the SPContext.Current.ListItem, which will always be the page that contains the CQWP and not the individual items that you display in it. So, unfortunately, you will have to go for a custom solution - either reflecting the code of the AverageRatingFieldControl control and creating a modified custom control adapting the original code, or checking the alternative implementation of the ratings functionality UI in the XLV web part. The imlementation there is mostly XSL and can be found in the TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\XSL\fldtypes_ratings.xsl file. Unfortunately again the XSL will need substantial modifications so that it works for the CQWP.
ReplyDeletehi excelent post !! 1 question
ReplyDeleteI tried to make a webpart that displays a dynamic list. but the List toolsis lost when
I click do not show
I trying the XsltListViewWebPart show the List tools in the ribbon.
Hi Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteIf I understand correctly you are trying to add the XLV to another control and you are missing the ribbon when you select the web part. I myself have seen this problem but I don't know how this can be fixed or whether this is fixable at all. I may have a closer look at this one shortly.
Hello Stefan
ReplyDeleteGreat post.
I have a question.
I would like to store global parameters in my sharepoint site collection. That way I can access them in all my lists and it will be much easier to update them.
How can I best do this? I've heard about -> can you access them with paramaterbindings location servervariable ?
or do you have a better suggestion for these "global paramaters".
Thanks a lot
Hi Hendrik,
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately you can't get the values from the SPWeb.Properties/SPWeb.AllProperties in the parameter bindings of the XLV web part. The only option for such global parameters is to use ... resource files (*.resx file(s) in the App_GlobalResources subfolder of the physical location of your SharePoint web site). It is a bit ugly and the scope of the values in the resource files is the whole web application, not a specific site collection as it is in your case.
Hi Stefan,
ReplyDeleteThanks for this post! However, none of the above techniques works when dealing with the business data list webpart. So, if you apply a custom XSL to the BDL, it's not able to grab the information from the resource files.
Any clue?
ReplyDeleteI just checked the BDL web part and got this working (I expected this to work since the BDL inherits the DataFormWebPart which provides this functionality). So you have to use the approach with the ParameterBindings (as it is in the CQWP, the other approaches work only for the XLV web part):
1) you need to have a resource ParameterBinding element in the ParameterBindings property of the BDL web part, e.g.: <ParameterBinding Name="myres" Location="Resource(wss,noitemsinview_doclibrary)" />
2) then you have to place a xsl:param element somewhere at the top of the part's XSL - its "name" attribute should be the same as the "Name" attribute of the ParameterBinding element: <xsl:param name="myres"></xsl:param>
3) then place an xsl:value-of element somewhere in the XSL where you want to display your resource: <xsl:value-of select="$myres" />
Hi Stefan,
ReplyDeleteThank you for this article. It is very useful, but I am having some trouble implementing some of the methods you describe.
I have created a custom Item Style XSL, based on the build-in ItemStyle.xsl, in which I am trying to read a value from my own resource file deployed to App_GlobalResources.
I have a custom web part, inheriting from ContentByQueryWebPart, where I reference my custom ItemStyle XSL file in the .webpart file. The web part also uses a EditorPart to allow the user to browse for the page they want to select.
I haven't been able to get the custom ItemStyle XSL file to pull data from the resource file without side-effects. What I've tried so far:
1) <xsl:value-of select="/dsQueryResponse/Rows/@resource.wss.fld_yes" /> - This hasn't worked for me, even with the wss built-in resource file.
2) <SharePoint:EncodedLiteral runat="server" text="<%$Resources:MyResource,MyValue%>"/> - Where SharePoint is a namespace I'm importing at the head through xmlns:SharePoint="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls" - This work only if the web part is in display mode. If I try to edit the web part properties, it throws an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error. It doesn't even get to show the web part properties tool pane. The last call before throwing that error is Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.DataFormWebPart.CreateChildControls()
3) Defined a section at the top of the custom ItemStyle XSL with a ParameterBinding child element pointing to the resource, then defined a parameter, and used an xsl:value to grab its value. I get an error in the web part itself with a correlation ID. According to the trace logs, it is trying to find the resource file in the Resources folder in the SharePoint root.
Any help with this would be appreciated.
Hi ViliB,
ReplyDeleteFrom the approaches that you mention:
- 1 works only for the XsltListViewWebPart, not for the ContentByQueryWebPart
- 2 will also normally work for the XsltListViewWebPart, but obviously has some side effects when you use it for the ContentByQueryWebPart (or an inheriting web part class as you have in your case)
- 3 works for the standard ContentByQueryWebPart - you need to make sure that you have all bits set up correctly as described in the posting - the ParameterBindings property, the xsl:param elements in your ContentQueryMain.xsl and finally the xsl:value-of elements which display the values of the xsl:param elements.
I am not sure though whether the fact that you use a custom class inheriting the standard ContentByQueryWebPart is not causing some problems with the last approach. Can you check the same setup with a standard CQWP web part?
On the other hand - if you already have a custom inheriting class, I would recommend that you use a fourth approach which will be much easier to maintain and faster to implement than the previous one. This approach was described in detail in this nice posting by Waldek Mastykarz:
Let me know if this works for you
Hi Stefan,
ReplyDeleteCan the Site title be obtained from one of these location options? I would like to filter items from a list based on the site's title.
Hi Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteI couldn't find a suitable parameter binding which directly returns the title of the current site. It will be possible to achieve this using the Control(XXXX) binding type but this will require some additional work. You will need to create a custom control which should be placed on the same page as the CQWP web part. This custom control should have a public property which returns the title of the current SharePoint site (using code like SPContext.Current.Web.Title). If the property's name is say "WebTitle" and the ID of the control is "MyWebTitleControl" then the parameter binding will be Control(MyWebTitleControl,WebTitle).
Amazing,thanks a lot!!!! i will try them.
ReplyDeleteHi, I have found the best Web Design Cochin program for this purpose is a step by step, point and click web page design program.Thanks....
ReplyDeleteGreat article..! Is there way to apply string manipulations inside parameterbinding .I want to parse Pagetitle from ServerVariable(URL) before assigning it to the parameter.Any advise appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Hi Stefan,
ReplyDeletenice article, I know its a little old now and you probably doesn't check it anymore, but if you do...
The Querystring parameter can be used to filter the XsltListViewWebPart query? If so, how?
And if it can't, is there a way to filter it without the use of a Filter WebPart?
HI Stefan, this is the most useful thing I've read in my search to pass site title into a dataformwebpart and I feel I'm very close. You mention above creating a custom control for displaying the title, but there is one in the SharePoint namespace (SharePoint:ProjectProperty ID="localsitecontrol" runat="server" Property="Title" /) The problem I have is there doesn't appear to be a property to 'give' this - the default Text property doesn't exist. I can't create custom controls, have only sharepoint designer to work with. Any help?
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot Stefan!
ReplyDeleteLocation="ServerVariable(LOGON_USER);WPVariable(_LogonUser_)" saved me 10+ years after You published this article :)
All server variables stopped being populated accidentally in my 2013 farm. Not only LOGON_USER, but all I've tried, i.e. SERVER_NAME or URL. But WPVariable which I've never heard before is still alive :)
I'll post here if ever find out why all my server variables are R.I.P.
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