In a recent posting of mine about the WebProvisioned event receiver in SharePoint 2010, I made a comparison between the latter and the feature stapling functionality which has been available since SharePoint 2007. In that posting I had the wrong assumption that feature stapling only works at farm level, but after a prompting comment I had to correct this. After another check of the SharePoint SDK, I saw that feature stapling can actually be scoped at three levels: farm, web application and site collection – which provides not only extra flexibility but also better isolation when necessary. When I understood that one can create a site collection scoped “feature stapling” feature, I asked myself whether it’s possible to provision such a feature in a sandbox solution (that’s the highest possible feature scope for a sandbox solution). I created a small POC project in a couple of minutes, deployed it and it turned out that feature stapling does work in sandbox solutions too.
The setup in my POC project was very simple – it contained two features – one site collection scoped (Scope="Site") and one site scoped (Scope="Web"). The latter was a dummy feature, containing no feature elements – its purpose was to be “stapled” by the stapling feature. The stapling feature was the site collection scoped one (naturally) – it contained one feature element file with two “FeatureSiteTemplateAssociation” elements – both were targeting the standard “blank site” site definition (STS#1), the first one specifying the dummy site scoped feature in the same sandbox solution and the second one – the standard “WikiPageHomePage” feature (this is the standard feature that creates the wiki page library in the standard “team site” and sets its default page to be the “home” page in the wiki page library). I used two feature template associations, because I wanted to make sure that both sandbox and farm solution features get stapled by a “feature stapling” feature in a sandbox solution – which turned out to be exactly so.
And let’s see what the possible benefits from the feature stapling (site collection scoped) in a sandbox solution may be compared to the “normal” feature stapling in farm solutions – I can see these two positive/advantageous points:
- the first one stems from a general feature of the sandbox solutions – sandbox solutions can be installed and activated by site collection administrators (no need for farm administrator’s rights) and you don’t “pollute” the 14 hive with extra features.
- the second one is better isolation and manageability – if you have the feature stapling features in a farm solution with the “Hidden” attribute set to FALSE, so that site collection administrators can see them and manage them (activate/deactivate) in the standard site settings pages, the stapling features will appear in the settings pages of all site collections in the SharePoint farm. If you on the other hand decide to have the stapling features with the “Hidden” attribute set to TRUE, then the site collection administrators won’t be able to manage them using the standard SharePoint UI. And on the other hand with a stapling feature in a sandbox solution you can safely leave the feature to be visible, since this visibility will be limited only to the site collection in which you have the sandbox solution activated. And even if the stapling feature is hidden, the site collection administrator will still be able to deactivate the containing sandbox solution and thus deactivate the stapling feature itself.
And now let me make another comparison of the feature stapling (site collection scoped), this time with the WebProvisioned event receiver (which was introduced in SharePoint 2010 – check this posting of mine for more details about the WebProvisioned event receiver) – here are some of the differences between the two:
- With feature stapling you basically activate extra features to sites based on standard and custom site definitions and you configure the whole thing with XML in a feature element file, while with the WebProvisioned event receiver you write custom code which gets executed after the new site is created. In the WebProvisioned event receiver you can also activate features but you have to do that with code using the SharePoint object model.
- When you use feature stapling you can use feature properties for the features that you staple. If you want to activate features in the WebProvisioned event receiver with code, you cannot provide feature properties – there is no public method in the SharePoint object model that allows that.
- The lowest possible scope for feature stapling is the site collection level – meaning that all sub-sites in the site collection with the targeted site definitions will be affected. For the WebProvisioned event receiver you have the site collection scope but also the site scope. With the latter you target only the immediate children of the site to which you attach the WebProvisioned event receiver (this site may be the root site of the site collection but may also be a sub-site).
- The time of the activation of the stapled features and the time of the execution of the code of the WebProvisioned event receiver in the timeline of the site provisioning differs and this may seriously impact your solution depending on the specifics of your case. Here is the order of activation of the standard elements in the ONET.XML of a site definition/web template:
1. site collection scoped features from the onet.xml
2. site collection scoped stapled features
3. site scoped features from the onet.xml
4. site scoped stapled features
5. “List” elements from the onet.xml
6. “Module” elements from the onet.xml
In the case of site collection scoped “feature stapling” features we can obviously staple only site scoped (Scope="Web") features, but as you see the time of execution of the site scoped stapled features is before the activation of the “List” and “Module” elements, which means that when your stapled feature gets activated your site is not fully provisioned and you may miss some of the SharePoint lists and some of the files/pages in the site depending on the site definition that is used for the site. On the other hand the custom code of the WebProvisioned event receiver gets executed after the target site is fully provisioned and you will have all artifacts in the site already created which you can further modify/adjust with the code of the receiver.