A reader of my blog asked me this in a comment to one of the previous postings and I had also wondered about it myself on several occasions. The thing is that sometimes you may not want the ribbon to appear when you select (clicking on the web part basically selects it) the XLV web part or select some of the items that the web part displays. The solution to this one turned out to be pretty simple and straight-forward – it involves creating a small custom XSLT file which does the trick with several lines of javascript (the selection of the web part and the displaying/hiding of the ribbon are all implemented with javascript in standard SharePoint 2010, so it is pretty logical to counter this also with javascript). The replacing of the standard “main.xsl” in the XslLink property of the web part and the setting of one additional property of its hidden SPView are then the only thing left that you need to fulfill the task (I’ll come to that in a moment).
So let me first shortly explain which are the javascript “culprits” that cause the page to display the “list” context specific ribbon when you click on the web part (not on a particular item – that’s a different case) or check the web part’s selection checkbox at the top right corner. If you inspect closely the HTML of the page containing the XLV web part you will be able to find these two HTML elements:
<td id="MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ2" valign="top" class="s4-wpcell" onkeyup="WpKeyUp(event)" onmouseup="WpClick(event)">
<input type="checkbox" id="SelectionCbxWebPartWPQ2" class="ms-WPHeaderCbxHidden" title="Select or deselect test Web Part" onblur="this.className='ms-WPHeaderCbxHidden'" onfocus="this.className='ms-WPHeaderCbxVisible'" onkeyup="WpCbxKeyHandler(event);" onmouseup="WpCbxSelect(event); return false;" onclick="TrapMenuClick(event); return false;" />
The first one is one of the top container elements of the XLV web part – have a look at its “onmouseup” attribute – it is this javascript bit that triggers the selection of the web part and the appearing of the parent list’s contextual ribbon. The second element is the selection checkbox control itself. Notice the “id” attributes of these two HTML elements – they both have one and the same suffix – “WPQ2” – this is actually something like an web part index which in case you have more than one web parts on the page can be used to identify these two elements for a specific web part.
And let’s go directly to the custom XSLT that hides the ribbon when used in the XLV web part:
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:x="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/dsp" version="1.0" exclude-result-prefixes="xsl msxsl ddwrt" xmlns:ddwrt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebParts/v2/DataView/runtime" xmlns:asp="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ASPNET/20" xmlns:__designer="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebParts/v2/DataView/designer" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:SharePoint="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls" xmlns:ddwrt2="urn:frontpage:internal">
<!-- import the standard main.xsl so that we have all standard stuff -->
<xsl:import href="/_layouts/xsl/main.xsl"/>
<!-- this template was copied from the standard vwstyles.xsl -->
<xsl:template match="/">
<!-- only this javascript block was added -->
// remove the click handler of the containing element
$get('MSOZoneCell_WebPart<xsl:value-of select="$WPQ"/>').onmouseup = function (){};
// remove the TD element containing the wp selection checkbox in the wp's header
$get('SelectionCbxWebPart<xsl:value-of select="$WPQ"/>').parentNode.parentNode.style.display = 'none';
catch (ex) {}
<xsl:when test="$RenderCTXOnly='True'">
<xsl:call-template name="CTXGeneration"/>
<xsl:when test="($ManualRefresh = 'True')">
<xsl:call-template name="AjaxWrapper" />
<xsl:apply-templates mode="RootTemplate" select="$XmlDefinition"/>
As you see, it is pretty concise and doesn’t need much explanation as to what it does and how it does it – I also put several comments inside it, so that you can get a better clue of its workings. Notice that the “WPQ” index that I mentioned above is actually available in an XSL parameter (with the same name) that the XLV web part has initialized for you, so the localizing of the two HTML elements in the javascript becomes a really easy task.
This snippet should be saved as a file in the TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\XSL folder (I saved it as “main_noribbon.xsl”). After you have the XSL file you will need to set the XLV web part to use it – you have two options here – to set the XslLink property of the web part (the value in this case should be: /_layouts/xsl/main_noribbon.xsl) – you can do that easily using the SharePoint UI. The other option is to set the XslLink property of the associated hidden SPView of the web part (the value in this case is simply the name of the file: main_noribbon.xsl) – the standard UI can’t be used in this case, so you will need some lines of code here (see below).
And … you need one more thing to have it all working. Apart from the ability to select the whole web part, the XLV allows you to select individual item rows which also results in displaying the ribbon. To override this you won’t need extra XSL because the XLV web part provides this as an option out of the box – it is about the so called “view styles” that you can use for list views and hence XLV web parts. The view style can be changed easily from the standard UI – you click the “modify view” button in the ribbon (you have already disabled the ribbon? – no worries – you can do the same from the edit tool-pane of the XLV – it is the “Edit the current view” link there). In the standard “Edit View” page that will open you can scroll down and locate the “Style” section, expand it and then in the “View Styles” list box select the topmost option – “Basic Table”. This view style is pretty much the same as the “Default” one save the ability to select the item rows.
As you saw, you can apply the changes (once you have the XSL file in place) using the standard SharePoint UI alone. And here is how you can do it with code:
private static void XLVHideRibbon(SPWeb web, XsltListViewWebPart xlv)
// if the page is in a library that requires check out, the file containing the XLV should be checked out before calling this method
// get the hidden view of the XLV web part
SPView hiddenView = web.Lists[new Guid(xlv.ListName)].Views[new Guid(xlv.ViewGuid)];
// set its XslLink property to reference the custom "no ribbon" XSLT file
hiddenView.XslLink = "main_noribbon.xsl";
// web.ViewStyles[0] - Basic Table
// update the hidden view
Note that instead of setting the XslLink property of the XLV web part, I set the XslLink property of its hidden SPView, but this basically achieves the same effect.